Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pray For Our Children, Brother, and Nation

This is a powerful Video. We need to pray more so now than ever.

The word says that if we will humble ourselves and pray that He would heal our land.

I saw this link on a blog that I follow. I hope you are blessed by it.
Click on below

1 comment:

  1. LaDonna,

    I also follow this blog...Powerful indeed....It really hit my heart with the 14 yr old child...

    These are troubled times....these are hard times...but, when we think we cant go on,we can, because we have OUR GOD almighty right there beside us....

    When we think all hope is gone, we need to stop and say "There is someone out there who is worse off than me." sometimes thats hard because we are only thinking about what WE are going thru, we're not thinking about the outside world. We need to think of these people. They need love just like we do. We do have someone who loves us....JESUS loves us....and we need to step out and let EVERYONE know that JESUS is alive and loves them....


Thank you for your sweet comments! I love hearing from you!

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