Saturday, October 18, 2008

Chic Conference - Becoming 2008

This weekend our church hosted the Chic Conference. This was a huge endeavor birthed by Jennifer Beittel who is on staff as Youth Pastor's wife, worship leader and office staff.

She worked so hard and everything was so "chic". We had so many girls and young women that came. I didn't participate in the whole conference, but did go last night. There was a concert by a group out of Tampa called 11:28 who were awesome! Even though their style of music was too contemporary for my taste. I guess I'm getting old! (remember AARP).

The musical group also led praise and worship and then the highlight of the evening was Pastor Nancy Turpin who just shared the truth about sex and boys, but in love. She spoke about Hadassah, aka as Esther in the Old Testament. For women wishing to become queen it was a requirement for them to be young, beautiful, and a virgin. God had a plan for her life just as He does for the young ladies that came to this event.

Pastor Nancy shared that the Lord has requirements for us as well, but He is a God of second chances if we've mess up. He only ask that we turn our lives around and serve Him.

At the end of her message she gave her personal testimony and the girls were so moved by it. There must have been 40 girls up front at the altar in response. She gave another altar call for girls that had been hurt or abused. My heart was so torn for them--they were crying out to God for healing from the hurt and betrayal.

This was a two day event and so many people from our church worked so hard to put this together. I'm so proud of Jennifer because this was her time to "step out" into this much needed ministry to our girls of Southwest Florida.

I believe that much territory was taken from the enemy and that these young ladies went away from this conference truly touched and changed.

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