Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hi Ladies,

I'd like to remind you that our Section 13 Fall Escape will be next Saturday, November 15th.

We are excited about Marsha Woolley coming and sharing with us. She walks in an anointing that each of you and the ladies of your church need to sit under! I encourage you to bring a group from your church.

There is no charge for this event, but a love offering will be taken to cover a few expenses and we will bless Marsha with the remainder.

I'd love to hear from you this week and know how many ladies you are bringing. Check out the poster next to this blog entry. You may click on it to enlarge the poster.

This event will begin at 9:30 am with light refreshments. Our event will then begin at 10:00 in the sanctuary at Gulf Coast Assembly of God. There will be no child-care for this event.

You will be blessed and ministered by Marsha's ministry! I hope to see you there!

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