Sunday, July 20, 2008

Nursemaid and Chief Bottle Washer

Last week I decided to take most of the week off and chill out at home. It wasn't quite the week that I had in mind though. The weather was pretty much terrible. It rained everyday until about Saturday.

My husband on Monday became ill and stayed home as well with some "nas & tee" (nasty) bug. Our oldest daughter caught the same "bug" and was home. My week consisted of being nursemaid, errand runner, and goeffer for whatever the two "sick and afflicted" were in need of. (Oh, and also spoke Wednesday night at church for Keith). It was like the week company comes and all you do is cook, clean-up and wait on folks. Not that I minded doing it, just not what I had planned for my time off.

Finally, on Saturday I was determined to get out of the house and go to the beach. After getting everything loaded into the car, gassed up we drove to another town close by and made it to our destination. The water was not the clearest probably because of all the rain. I really wanted to go to a friend's house and use her pool, but earlier she informed me that her pool had turned green from all the rain and couldn't use it and didn't know how to remedy it! Oh well! To the beach we were going anyway!

Both of our girls went because they didn't want their mom to go "alone". We went into the water and splashed around and talked and shared we had some good "girl time" just bonding and catching up on things. It was quite hot and the temperature of the water wasn't as refreshing and all the sudden my oldest daughter who had been sick said, "Mom, I'm sick, I need to go home." The trip was cut short and we loaded up our things and left. It was a quick trip, but at least we were able to go for while.

The hubby and my oldest were both in church today and feeling much better. We enjoyed a "crock pot" meal at home and had a good day.

Tomorrow it's off to work I go, hi-ho, hi-ho!

P.S. I'm really looking forward to the "Fall Breakway"--that will be my time to get way!

1 comment:

  1. hi LaDonna,

    LOL....wish you could have come in the pool too...wish i could have gone in it too....but, guess what!!! We did the SHOCK TREATMENT and the pool is up and running, ya never know when the pool faerie will be calling....

    Im glad Pastor and Jessica are better...that was a nasty bug they had.....

    I really enjoyed what you shared Wed night and you did wonderful!!! you need to do it more often...

    Everyone, you need to WEAR GODS ARMOR EVERYDAY....thanks for sharing that LaDonna.....


    In Gods Love


Thank you for your sweet comments! I love hearing from you!

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