Friday, January 9, 2009

"Becoming" - Regional Event with Guest Martha Tennison

Pen-Florida District and Victorious Life Church in Wesley Chapel are hosting our first regional event called, "Becoming" with guest ministry Martha Tennison. You will be blessed by her ministry. It is February 6-7, Friday evening beginning at 7pm and Saturday morning at 9:00 am.

More details will be coming. There is no charge for this event, but you may purchase a catered lunch on Saturday for $10.00. Please call the Pen-Florida Women's Ministries office to reserve your spot for the lunch on Saturday at 863-683-5726 xt. 232.

There are hotels in the area that are reasonable if you would like to stay overnight on Friday, but you will have to make your own hotel arrangements.

This is a new endeavor and I know that you will be blessed. Flyer's will be sent out to the churches in our section very soon for you to promote.

Save the date and make your plans to attend!


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