Saturday, March 15, 2008


The theme song from the TV show "The Jefferson's" comes to mind, "Moving on Up!" Our church Gulf Coast Assembly of God has been in a building program for months now. Just this week we were able to move in. The staff and volunteers have been busy as bees getting everything in order for services on Sunday.

We built the new sanctuary on our existing property. This evening I walked over to the old sanctuary, which has become a multipurpose building now, it looked so bare and quite sad. Most everything had been taken over to furnish the new building.

Change is hard for me, but I know that we are fulfilling God's plan for our church and vision God has given our leadership.

I am excited as to what the future holds for us as a church body in our community. God has been good and we have been blessed.

We have to let go of the old so that God can bless us with more. I encourage you ladies to do just that. God wants to do a new thing in all of us. He has so much in store for us! All we have to do is make ourselves available and allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives.

Don't forget to check out the info from previous post regarding "Times of Refreshing". You don't want to miss it!


  1. Mommy, I thought you needed a comment. Next time you should have me look over our blog and fix the grammatical and punctuation errors. Okay?

    Love ya!

  2. I meant *your* blog. Sorry!

    Guess I should have proofed my comment, huh?


Thank you for your sweet comments! I love hearing from you!

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