Friday, February 22, 2008

Inspire 08

I am gearing up and getting excited about next weekend! Inspire 08 is going to be at the Florida Mall Hotel. This conference is every lady's dream--we get to fellowship with other women, experience God, have some fun, and the best part . . . SHOP!
(This conference is at a mall/hotel. Man, if a male created this then God hath given him some wisdom and insight into the woman's mind.)

Inspire 08 is February 28-March 1 at the Florida Mall Hotel featuring Sandy Phinazee, Sheri Hawley, Missy Monokian (she is HILARIOUS), and Deanna Shrodes.

I am expecting BIG things of God. I hope to see all of you ladies there.

It is not too late to register! Visit their website for more info here.

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