Friday, October 26, 2012

Pink Fall Table for Two

Hi Friends,

It's that time of year!  Fall is one of my favorite seasons.  The temps have finally cooled down to where I don't feel like every time I go outside someone threw a hot/wet blanket over me!  Humidity and heat have been grueling this summer.

It's my pleasure to join this week:

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.
Marty at Tabletop Tuesday.
Sandi at Rose Chintz for Teatime Tuesday & Home.

Have a great week and I hope and pray that the "Frankenstorm" doesn't cause havoc for those in the Northeast!

Fall, a time to give thanks!

A favorite book of mine.  The color looks like the fall season.

Fall table for two in the Foo-foo room

A bird's eye view of place setting

Tea cup with fall candles

Found this gold teapot a few months ago at GW.

My daughter sent this pic to me from Virginia.  I miss seeing fall in Florida.

A little wreath I made simply with ribbon and fall leaves.  Found ribbon at HL.

Last but not least, my favorite pic showing a little of the curtains, wicker, beadboard and gold runner with napkin/ring.

Lot of Hugs,


Friday, October 5, 2012

Pink Breakfast with Precious!

Every morning our puppy, Precious and I enjoy breakfast in my pink foo-foo room.  I put a pink bow on her to dress her up a bit today.

This is what I eat most every morning.  I share my turkey bacon and a bit of egg mixed in with her dog food.

I love the heel of the bread toasted with butter and orange marmalade jelly!


Pink napkin of course!

Fruit cup
Turkey bacon crisp!

Love my eggs fixed anyway but they must be well done!  I don't do runny eggs or yolks.
So that is my pink breakfast!  Now, I'm hungry again!  LOL

This week I'm joining Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.
She's always looking for seconds ~ but we have to watch her girlish figure!   :)

Feeling like Aqua

Hi Everyone! This spring season I've noticed everywhere I go the stores are decorating with teal, aqua and pretty greens.  March mark...